Refund And Cancellation Policy

• If the User enters an incorrect contact number when using our 'Talk To Astrologer' option, we will not handle any refunds or cancellations. It is recommended that our consumers keep their mobile numbers in a full coverage area and answer the phone when it rings. In no manner will Craft Connect Enterprises/AstroConnect24 be accountable for any refunds or cancellations for any calls that are connected.


• If the User gives erroneous information, no refund or cancellation will be handled. Before submitting their problem and hiring our Astrologers, the User promises to be cautious and double-check any information relating to their worry. • If there is a technical delay or issue while your request for an Astrologer session is being handled, you will not be eligible for a refund. You acknowledge and agree that all time periods specified on AstroConnect24 are estimates, and we shall take all reasonable steps to adhere to the timetables.


• Because the 'Talk to Astrologer' service is currently only available in India, non-residents of India will not be eligible for a refund if they add money to their wallet to use it. In such a circumstance, Craft Connect Enterprises/AstroConnect24 assumes no responsibility.


• No partial cancellations or refunds are permitted, i.e. if you have used a portion of your amount and then want a refund.


• Members/Users should not rely on or make any critical legal, health, financial, or other decisions based on an Astrologer's advice. Craft Connect Enterprises/AstroConnect24 accepts no responsibility or liability for the accuracy or consequences of the Astrological treatments recommended by the Astrologers. Taking the advice and consultation of Astrologers on AstroConnect24 is entirely at the discretion and will of the users. In such cases, members/users are advised to exercise caution; AstroConnect24 will not give a refund on such grounds.


• AstroConnect24 assumes no responsibility if you make several payments for a single Astrologer session, and the excess cost will be credited to your wallet. You will only be charged for the services that you have requested.


• In the event of a payment failure or downtime on AstroConnect24's website/app or on the payment gateway page affiliated with AstroConnect24 owing to any server or network-related issues, the User must check his/her bank account for any amounts deducted. If the sum is charged, please notify and confirm your payment by emailing You can try processing your payment request again if the amount is not debited.


• If any user or member uses abusive or insulting language on the website or when engaging with our Astrologers in any way, including but not limited to chats, calls, or texts, your AstroConnect24 account will be terminated, and the entire money in your AstroConnect24 wallet will be seized. In such cases, you will not be eligible for a refund or a claim.


• If any Member/User of Craft Connect Enterprises/AstroConnect24 violates any of the terms set out in our Terms of Service, the User's account will be immediately cancelled, and any funds in the User's AstroConnect24 wallet will be seized and not returned.


• Craft Connect Enterprises/AstroConnect24 has complete discretion to deny or cancel any Chat/Call session request made by the User for any reason. Your request may be cancelled for a variety of reasons, including, but not limited to, a change in the pricing terms, the service's unavailability, or any other issue. If a User has paid for a service that is later terminated, the amount deducted will be credited to the User's wallet.